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Is Now The Time To Switch To Natural Skincare?

Is Now The Time To Switch To Natural Skincare?

You’re probably seeing and hearing more and more about ‘natural skincare’ and how we should all be considering natural products and choosing consciously what we put on and in our bodies.

And there’s never been a better time to clear out your shelves and make a plant-based transition than right now!

Why now?

Natural brands are springing up everywhere and often have strong women founders with a story to tell and a vision to achieve.

They’re giving up their day jobs to pursue their dreams and deliver clean beauty products that actually work - offering choice, value and real results!

If you’re considering a switch up but still not fully clued up on natural skincare, we’ve pulled together the facts for you to make your choice a little easier.

What is natural skincare?

Natural skincare is a set of topical creams, lotions and serums made from ingredients available in nature and fundamentally plant based. These plant derived ingredients can include roots, flowers, herbs and essential oils - to name a few.

Why should you use natural skincare?

With a background in natural science, I’ve always been of the mindset that using plant-based, natural ingredients in skincare is the only way to go for a number of good reasons.  

turmeric natural skincare

1. Plants have always been people’s first choice because they’re available, they’re good for us, they work and they’re safe

Human beings have been using natural, plant-based ingredients for thousands of years, long before big cosmetics companies started selling us ‘must-have products’. People all over the world have long-term knowledge of what their ancestors used, and this traditional knowledge is like a real-time clinical trial.

The resulting accumulated knowledge of natural ingredients is invaluable and has shown us what is good for our skin and what to avoid (like poison ivy – thanks ancestors)!

2. Natural ingredients work with your skin, not against it

Your skin is your body's largest organ and it does a number of really important jobs like regulating your temperature, fighting infections and emitting toxins. Lots of ‘new’ skincare ingredients can be really harsh and potentially problematic if used incorrectly or unwittingly by the worn person. 

I mean, we’ve all heard horror stories of acid treatments at home or stories of retinol gone wrong, haven’t we? Natural ingredients support your skin and are formulated to work with it and not against it.

7 functions of skin              

3. Your skin absorbs what you put on to it, so it’s important to feed your skin with safe and natural ingredients

Things like nicotine and contraceptive patches work by penetrating the epidermis and allowing your skin to literally absorb the substances from the patch.  In fact, it’s generally accepted that 60% of what you put on your skin is absorbed into your bloodstream. That’s why using natural skincare is so important!  

Just as junk food is bad for your body, a poor product full of harmful chemicals is bad for your skin. You’ve got to do your homework and find a brand and products that use plants and natural ingredients wherever possible.


So, how do yo buy the best natural skincare products?

If you do feel like NOW is the right time for you to try some plant-based, natural skincare here are a few handy tips on what to look out for:

  1. Read the label: 

    Here at Kinvara, we like to think that ‘knowledge is power’ so we advise you to always check the label of a product and look for ingredients you recognise.

    Not all ingredients will be recognisable and often lots of scientific words are safe ingredients. However, the more words you know usually means the more plants are in there.

    Top tip: Look for plants up near the top of the list as ingredients are written in decreasing order, so elements near the bottom are usually in smaller amounts and that’s where you’d expect to see preservatives.

  2. Check for allergens: 

    Check the label and avoid any product for which you have an intolerance, especially for any of the 26 allergens usually found in essential oils and which can be problematic for some people.

    These 26 allergens are natural constituents of essential oils and the EU requires manufacturers to state them on products where they are present above a certain level.

  3. Do a Patch Test: 

    Remember, just because a product is plant and natural based doesn’t mean it will suit everyone - you should get into the good habit of patch testing everything first to ensure it suits your own skin. 

    People can have problems with the plants that they eat, so it makes sense that they can have issues with plants they put on their skin, too.

  4. Scan for Awards: 

    Have a look if the brand or the product has won any credible awards that reflect their expertise in formulating quality, natural and plant-based skincare.

    Well run awards that focus on natural ingredients and clean formulations like those run by ‘Free From Skincare Awards’ are a great reference point for searching out new natural brands.

  5. Read customer testimonials: 

    As with everything, check out the brand’s website and social feed to see how other people rate their products - do searches and look for people with similar skin or concerns as you.

    All this research will point you in the right direction of your next favourite product!

  6. Check for a refund guarantee: 

    If you are understandably nervous about making changes to a new, plant-based natural skincare brand check out if they will refund you if their product doesn’t work for you - that way you can try without any worry and that’s a win-win in our eyes.



I’m Dr. Joanne Reilly & I created Kinvara Skincare in 2012 after I couldn’t find natural products to help my own tricky skin. I’m a Doctor of Science and I decided to put my science training to use in developing an award-winning range of products to give customers a better choice in effective, natural skincare products.  I really believe that what you use to look after your skin should give you results, but more than that, it should bring you moments of pleasure.  

Kinvara is skincare to be enjoyed. 

If thats what you’re looking for too, then we’re more than happy to help you over on our website or you can email me at or you can check us out on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

Thanks for reading,


Does Kinvara work For Everyone?

We have thousands of very satisfied customers and we make our formulations to suit all skin types but you need to ensure they suit you by doing a patch test.  Kinvara skincare products come with a 100% risk-free satisfaction guarantee, so you have nothing to lose.

Is Shipping Free?

Yes. You get free shipping on all orders over a minimum spend which depends on where you are located ie. its FREE for orders over €50/£50 in Ireland and the UK.

Where to buy Kinvara?

For Irish and UK customers the best way to order your Kinvara Skincare products is direct from us, the manufacturer.  We pride ourselves on excellent customer service, regular offers and will process your order within 24hours and work to have your products to you within 3-5 working days but usually its even quicker than that!

Right now, we are running a 15% OFF promotion for all readers looking to try new natural skincare. It is a good idea to act sharpish as the offer is limited - you’ve nothing to lose and a lot to gain!


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