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6 Skincare Trends You Must Know in 2022

6 Skincare Trends You Must Know in 2022
The skincare industry is thriving. One of the unexpected benefits of the various lockdowns and life slowing down is that people have had more time to focus on themselves, and particularly on their skin. Globally, the beauty and personal care market rebounded in 2021, led by the skincare sector. Skincare sales are predicted to reach €151billion ($181 billion) by 2025.
The growth has fuelled a lot of innovation within the industry which will bring changes to everyday skincare routines across the planet. We’re seeing a continued shift from complex, multi-step skincare routines to simpler and more intuitive methods that focus on long-term skin wellness rather than fast results. In this blog, we’re going to look at some of the biggest and best emerging skincare trends that you can expect to see exploding across the sector in 2022.
Sustainability is everywhere, from our fashion to our food, and in 2022, sustainability will be a big focus within skincare. This will manifest itself in consumers looking for products that are recyclable and with refillable packaging; a demand that will force retailers to adapt and offer refilling stations in their stores. They will also be looking for ingredients that are ethically sourced. The brands that will do well this year are those that are transparent about where their ingredients come from and those that show that their products and business operations focus on sustainable alternatives.  
Quality over quantity
The quality over quantity skincare trends come in part from the focus on sustainability and consumers becoming savvier to the fact that applying more products often leads to more problems. So, this year we will see consumers stripping back their skincare routines, focusing on products with the best ingredients. They will be happier to spend more on just 2 or 3 quality products, rather than a long list of cheap products that don’t deliver results. 
Probiotic skincare
Searches for probiotic moisturises grew by 140% on Google throughout 2021, highlighting it as a big trend for 2022 and is another example of consumers moving towards natural skincare routines. Pre- and Pro-biotic skincare ingredients like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium will appear more often throughout 2022 to help rebalance and strengthen our skin with healthy bacteria. Expect to see a throng of new pre & pro-biotic based products like Esse’s Probiotic Toner and Gallinée’s Prebiotic Face Vinegar
Mushrooms have been a big focus within the health, fitness and beauty industries as more research is published on the wealth of benefits mushrooms have. Leading industry analysts predict that the mushroom market is set to grow from $40 billion in 2019 to $78 billion. The ‘beauty shroom’ movement is contributing to that growth! 
It’s not hard to see why mushrooms are a big skincare trend in 2022 because it’s easier to list what they can’t do rather that what they can do. When topically applied mushroom extracts trigger benefits such as age defence, hydration, barrier repair, antioxidant protections against pollution & UV rays, and help with skin rejuvenation. 
Biome-based skincare
Google searches for ‘microbiome skincare’ have increased by 5000% over the past 12 months, thrusting the beauty industry’s most innovative skincare movement into the mainstream. Dr Barbara Brockway believes that “the microbiome is proving to be very important for skin health and offers opportunities for even better cosmetics”.  
Biome-based skincare focuses on respecting the skin’s natural balance and treating it like the ecosystem that it actually is. This trend encourages consumers to stay away from products that ‘strip’ away the skin’s natural oils and protective barrier and instead use products that complement the skin’s natural balance of healthy bacteria.
Broader skin barrier protection
As consumers look to protect against the varieties of environmental damages that they are becoming more aware of, they will be looking for products that offer them broader protection. You will see this skincare trend manifesting in products that help to protect against not only UV damage but also blue light damage, pollution, germs, bacteria and viruses. 
This trend is rising from the heightened attention of the skin barrier which has been shown to be crucial to preserve healthy skin that can retain moisture, protect against environmental damage and repair itself.  
Final thoughts on 2022 skincare trends
2022 skincare trends all centre around a stripped back routine that focuses on natural, sustainable and environmentally friendly ingredients that compliment the skin’s natural biome and strengthen the skin barrier for the ultimate protection. 
It seems like Kinvara are ahead of the trends this year as we have always had a focus on natural and ethically sourced ingredients as well as fully-recyclable packaging. Dive into our blog to find out more about our range of plant-powered, natural skincare products. 
[1] Euromonitor international. Skincare Sales Set To Reach USD 181 Billion by 2025 As Consumers Are on a Quest for ‘Skinimalism’. 2021.
[2] Taofiq, O.; Heleno, S.A.; Calhelha, R.C.; Alves, M.J.; Barros, L.; Barreiro, M.F.; González-Paramás, A.M.; Ferreira, I.C.F.R. Development of Mushroom-Based Cosmeceutical Formulations with Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Tyrosinase, Antioxidant, and Antibacterial Properties. Molecules 201621, 1372.
[3] Dr Barbara Brockway. Formulating skin care products with Prebiotics, Probiotics and Postbiotics. The Secret Life of Skin 2019.

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